Mother’s Massage Oil

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What People Say

Everything is really great for us. We have called our baby boy Zev! He is two weeks old today and putting on weight and sleeping very well. The pills have been working a treat for me. We've been out the house every other day and my husband went back to work today and I'm confident home alone (although sad to be without him!) I'm still on the simple pills and not taking any other supplements. By the way I've recommended you to everyone!

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Hi Amanda, I know it's still early days, but I'm noticing a huge difference this time compared to when I had my first daughter...I feel really positive, present and connected to my baby (last time this whole period passed in a bit of a haze, and things subsequently went downhill). So, so far a huge thumbs up from me for the placenta tablets. I'm really glad I did it, and hopefully things will continue going well. Thank you!!

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Any advice or information provided by Placenta Practice regarding Placenta Encapsulation is based on experience, research, documentation and client testimonials from mothers who have used placenta capsules for their post-partum recovery. We are not a medical body and do not claim to treat, cure or relieve any symptoms in pregnancy, birth or post-birth. We recommend you seek advice from your GP or midwife if you have any problems with your pregnancy, birth or post-birth recovery. Families who choose to use our services take full responsibility for their own health and for researching and using the remedies we provide.
